This week I am the connector in my book club. This means I need to connect what happens in the first nine chapters of Holes to a situation in real life. Stanley is falsely accused of stealing a pair of shoes that belonged to a professional baseball player. He was walking back from school when the shoes fell from the sky. For some reason he started to run. The police saw him running and thought he was the thief so he was arrested. The evidence made it look like He had been the thief. The judge had no choice but to say he was guilty. This happens sometimes in real life when someone was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and all the evidence falls against him. It happened in some cases when the death penalty was still legal that sometimes people would be found guilty and killed even though they were innocent. 

Garrick's Picture:

You have to tilt your screen back to see it properly.
Luke's summary of Holes ch. 1-9
Stanley Yelnats is a boy who is framed for stealing famous baseball player Clyde Livingston's old sneakers at a charity event where Clyde was donating his shoes to raise money.
So Stanley gets sent to a place called Camp Green Lake, where there is no actual lake (it dried up years ago)and nothing is green except the two trees by the warden's cabin. Children are sent there to dig holes, because many people believed that making a child dig a hole will make them good. Stanley meets boys who have all committed crimes of some sort. The people in his group of diggers are Zigzag, Magnet, X ray, Armpit, Squid and finally Zero, who becomes Stanley's friend. So Stanley has to dig holes at Camp Green Lake because of something he didn't even do.

Nick's questions:

What do you think the gold thing was?
What animal do you think the yellow spotted lizard relates to?
Why do you think they dig holes?
Why is everyone afraid of the Warden?
Do you think that Stanley will survive Camp Green lake?
8/8/2013 01:18:19 am

Hi Gus I like your website


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    August 2013

